What is a Lead in Salesforce?

This might be the Salesforce concept that most businesses kind of dance around and they get confused about.

My advice is do not try to re-create the concept and don’t ignore it. Leads have a very specific and useful purpose.

A lead in Salesforce is essentially an unqualified opportunity or accountt.

The idea is that you’re conducting some sort of outreach to people (marketing campaigns, sales development etc.) that match your ideal client profile.

A lead for example, might be a raw list.

Companies buy lists of companies and contacts that match their Ideal Client Profile all of the time.

So let’s say, you’ve got a list of companies with individuals at those companies. They’re not buying from you, yet.

You don’t know for sure that they’re gonna be prospects, you just know they match your Ideal Client profile and the concept of a lead would match with that so I would not put a row a list in as an Account, I would put them in as a lead.

until such time as marketing and/or sales development (SDRs) determine

  • does this person or Account have budget
  • timing (an idea of when they will buy)
  • need (they see the product or service as solving a real – not imaginary problem in their business or life).

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